Crowdstike - Cyber security company - Bad patch causing Blue screens of death - elevated outages worldwide


Good Morning everyone

The Crowdstrike issues have been mitigated and although there are some services that have limited services in different industries, most are coming back online.

This issue surrounded a application update within the Crowdstrike platform causing end-points to crash.

At this point, we will proceed to close this case.

If anyone has any questions re the Crowdstrike incident, please do not hesitate to reach out via Thank you

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Good Morning

As you awake this morning, you may have read Crowstrike, a very large cyber security company in the USA with clients such as Microsoft has issued a bad patch to their application causing massive outages with the Blue screen of death as a consequence. Rebooting is not possible.

Aegisys or its direct clients do not use Crowdstrike applications and are not impacted by what is being seen as a global outage in some industries such as in Healhcare, Airlines and Banking. Microsoft is reportedly impacted. So as we begin our day, there may be outside service disruptions to be aware of as this develops.

We are issuing this notice to advise that at this time, it appears to be not a cyber incident - rather one that is affecting a cyber company. This is subject to change but in a ever changing world of security uncertainty, we wanted our clients to be informed and aware that we are watching closely.

Aegisys is not impacted at this time as we and a vast majority of our clients do not use Crowdstrike applications.

We will update as more is learned.

If anyone has any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. We are hear to inform and protect.

Thank you. Aegisys Security Teams

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