Scheduled Maintenance - Aegisys Infrastructure Security Updates

Friday, 19 July 1 hour

The maintenance is now complete. Thanks for your patience.


The scheduled maintenance is now underway. We'll keep you updated on our progress.


Good Morning

Aegisys teams have received critical update notice from a Partner technology vendor suggesting security updates be applied with a staus of "urgent". As part of our commitment to top tier securities, Aegisys is scheduling this time quickly to apply this patching.

Although we anticipate this maintenance to be mostly transparent, we wanted to share this maintenance is happening regardless during this time.

Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.

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Began at:

Affected components
  • Aegisys Website Hosting
  • Aegisys SSLVPN Client Portal
  • Aegisys Virtual Private Server Hosting
  • Aegisys Internet Providers